Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Goodyear Blimp- Best Marketing Campaign Ever?

In a debate over the best marketing promotion of all time, many products would have to be considered, but I believe the Goodyear Blimp would win the title.  2015 marks the 90th year of continuous operation of the airship program by Goodyear making it perhaps the nation's longest running promotional campaign and debatably, the most successful. First used for marketing and promotion in 1925, the Goodyear Blimp has been part of, and provided aerial footage of countless major events. From Presidential inaugurations to Super Bowls to World Series games, the Blimp has excited and thrilled spectators by it's presence and the images it produces, throughout the world.

The target market of this marketing campaign is literally, everyone. The brand recognition created by the promotion is priceless and definitely plays a part in making a person more likely to buy their products. I know it makes me more likely to buy their tires.  With little to no direct  pitch for the products or where to buy, and no mention of any competitors, the Goodyear Blimp gets and holds peoples attention better than any other promotion. Ever.

1 comment:

  1. When I first stated watching sports as a kid, I was always excited to see the Goodyear blimp at the event. I would be thrilled to see the aerial coverage that the Goodyear blimp would show of the stadium and the surrounding city. If it was a big sporting event, it seemed that the Goodyear blimp had to be present. It was such a good form of marketing that MetLife Insurance copied the idea and came up with their own blimp to fly over sporting events. I associate Goodyear with their blimp but it has never caused me to purchase their product.
