Friday, December 7, 2012

Toyota Finding its way into the College Scene!

Toyota Finding its way into the College Scene!
By: James Shively

I saw this add on the side bar of my Facebook page when I log in on my home page of Facebook. They usually have ads there and I'm sure that they have cookies and something else installed to monitor my search behavior and preferences. Anyways, they seem to know what I'm thinking because they always seem to have ads that are related to my searches. The ad on Facebook was for Toyota. It was a $1000 rebate for recent college graduates. I saw it today on my Facebook page on the side bar. The product being promoted is a $1000 rebate if you buy a brand new Toyota (various cars and smaller vehicles/trucks). I have heard of Toyota's before obviously but not of the $1000 rebate. This advertisement is targeted towards recent and upcoming college graduates that are going to have a decent entry level job and have low debt levels. I would describe a person in this target market as male or female in their 20s to early 30s with middle income levels or expected levels. It would give some incentive to buy a Toyota car or vehicle for my new job versus a different brand car. It is definitely asking me to buy the vehicle. The ad has a link to all the details. This product has competition with Honda and other car makers. It doesn't really effect me personally due to my belief that buying new vehicles is a waste of money, buy lightly used ones, plus I just bought 2 new used vehicles recently so I'm not in that market right now.

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