Thursday, October 23, 2014

Frontline Flea & Tick Spray

This is a very clever ad for Frontline Flea & Tick Spray. As you can see it actually incorporates the people (its potential customers) into the ad which I think is brilliant. They play the role of fleas and ticks which is kind of off putting but all together I think this ad is hilarious and definitely attention grabbing. I actually didn't see this ad in person, I don't have cable and had a hard time finding an ad in my every day life that was creative and attention grabbing like this one so I found this online. Since the advertisement is in an office building I would say this ad is intended to reach adults, middle class, any gender and ethnicity. Frontline probably made this ad so large and attention grabbing because they were targeting business men and women at work who are probably very busy and distracted. It also brought the ad right to them because they assumed their target would be very busy and spending a lot of time in the building.
This ad calls for an action "Get them off your dog." and tells the target where to buy the product "available at JAKPETZ".
Frontline's competitors are other flea and tick spray companies like Advantix. I would assume that the competitors produce and equally effective product since this advertisement doesn't mention any of Frontline's qualities and attributes or try to convince us of why we should by Frontline rather than any other product. However, this ad is so clever and accessible that I would probably remember it while shopping for flea spray for my pet. So, I would definitely be more likely to by Frontline than the other brands because of how funny this ad was.


  1. This is a very good ad. I agree it is probably so large to catch your eye. I think it is targeted to people with animals as well. Even though I don't have animals if I were asked which flea repellent to use I would definitely recommend Frontline because their advertisement sticks with you.

  2. Wow! What an interesting ad! As you said, really puts customers "inside" the product and what I can get from it is that we don't want be the flea in the ad as well as we don't want to be seen as owners of dogs with fleas, so pops up in our mind immediately: "Let's buy Frontline and end them now!"

  3. I love this one. It uses real people to make you think what it really looks feels like for the dog.

  4. wow! this is really interesting ad
