Monday, November 25, 2013

Lead India - The Tree

This is an advertisement for the initiative to search for a new bold leader for India. I know that this is a little bit different in ways of advertisement since it's not for a product, but the message really spoke to me.

I first saw this video at an H&R Block conference that I went to a few weeks ago. They had presented this during a seminar on teamwork and leadership. I thought that it was pretty amazing that our guest speaker used something so powerful to show us that it is up to us to make a difference. This advertisement is being directed toward individuals who want to be leaders and who want to make a difference in the world... Take a stand for what they believe in. Any age, gender, lifestyle and interest can make this statement. In my opinion, I think that they are trying to satisfy the need to take action for a better tomorrow. It's stating that anyone who wants to be bold can make the change that they hope to see in the world. And they hope that it starts with you. They are not asking for anyone to buy anything, and they are not competing, they are simply portraying hope and looking for a strong leader. This was not a product ad, but rather a humanity ad, one that sparks the interest to do good. After seeing this the first time I wanted to change so much about myself. I want to be that kid. I want to make a stand and show people that they can count on me, and I want to know that what I did helped them see that they too can make a stand, and that together we can all make a difference. Even if it is just for one person. A big movement starts with one baby step. Will you make that step?


  1. Wow this is a really cool advertisement! It's amazing to see hope like that, it makes my heart warm, definitely moving!

  2. Wow this is a really cool advertisement! It's amazing to see hope like that, it makes my heart warm, definitely moving!

  3. Yeah,, You found a really inspiring video, Nicole. I saw this video many times couple years ago when I was attending a leadership training. It has made most audiences embarrassed because they feel they couldn't inspire other people, but a kid could do.

  4. wow.. That was Incredible! moreover what it inspires me more is that you post an Indian commercial. :)

  5. :) Thank you guys! It really spoke to me. And I feel that our children are the leaders of tomorrow, so why not encourage them to be leaders at a young age.

  6. I have seen this ad before and i like this very much. its an inspiring ad
